Monday, January 25, 2010

Australia Day

Quote of the day (Will): Can somebody stand behind me? Quick, I've gotta fart and I don't want to waste it.

There are milestones all around today.

I have been noticing for a while that Euey is a child now. Not a baby. Not a toddler. A child. A boy. In fact, a boy who is off to kinder this year and school next year. Today though, it really hit home that they have both hit that stage. They can now both play like kids, take direction and are really helpful. Finn seems like such a little tiny baby in comparison (especially now, as he sleeps off his nasty head cold, sucking his thumb).

Will is outside cooking an Aussie Day barbie - this is a skill he has mastered as of today, which is an excellent milestone to mark his one year anniversary as an Australian citizen. I love it. I love being in charge of my kingdom, he says. In a complete turn around, I am inside, cooking the potatos.

Will has been sending the kids in with requests and comments - ask Mummy for a plate; give this (small burger bit) to Mummy and tell her it's a starter. In they both came, dutifully handing over the burger and stating quite seriously It's a starter. They're not just repeating what they're told either, this new grown-up-ness comes with answers that I can't really argue with. About 10 mins after coming in and grabbing a 'couple of forks' (which was actually three because he needed 'one for each of us'), Euey was back, getting two more forks. I asked how come all the forks kept disapearing outisde and he replied: Cause Aoife lost hers and I lost mine so we're getting each other another one.

I have to go, the meat is done and the kids are eating it all!
Ahh, I feel so Australian. Lamb on the barbie. Cooked by the man. Salad by the woman (that would be me). All we need now are lamingtons and pav for dessert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like the best australia day