Monday, March 26, 2007

Playing Now

Here is the reason I had to mutate the meme. These are currently the 7 most played songs on my computer:

1. The wheels on the bus
2. Hokey Pokey
3. London Bridge is falling down
4. Row row row your boat
5. Fly away Peter, fly away Paul (I guess that's not technically a song, so ...
5. Five little ducks
6. I'm a little teapot
7. Ging gang gooly (gooly gooly gooly watsit)

Euey loves music. It seems indiscriminately, except for a slight leaning toward heavy rock or a lone piano. However, being musically and kinetically challenged I find it difficult to make up actions to go with most songs, so we end up dancing to the kids songs. This is better than Euey learning to dance like me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME.... ging gang gooly gooly gooly (etc) is one of my favourites!! (should i admit that given that i don't have the "i'm a mother" excuse?? hmmm)

anyway. i used to play the wiggles and playshcool albums for my kids. they're got some frikkin AWESOME songs... :) euey would love them i'm sure (and so might his mummy??)

ps. invite maria over... she might take care of the teaching the child to dance thing.. hehehe